Drug Paraphernalia – How Much Do You Really Know?
Last Updated: Friday February 4, 2022
Users of this drug use a pacifier after taking it:

Users of ecstasy or MDMA (also known as Molly) use pacifiers to keep them from grinding their teeth down when they are high.
Where do many young people buy drug paraphernalia?
They can also purchase various paraphernalia items – like bongs, rolling papers and pipes – from gift and novelty shops and convenience stores.
Glass pipes are usually used to smoke:

In addition to being snorted, injected or taken in pill form, drug users also smoke crystal meth using a glass pipe. Glass pipes are also used to smoke PCP, crack cocaine and opium.
All of the drugs below can commonly be used with a bong EXCEPT:

Heroin is usually injected, smoked (with a pipe) or sniffed/snorted.
Glow sticks are used to enhance the senses while high on this drug:

While high on MDMA (or "molly"), users often experience dilated pupils and a greater sensitivity to light. So, in a darkened room, glowsticks can enhance the senses when a user is high.
In addition to pill form, users of oxycodone also commonly take the drug by:
In addition, oxycodone is usually swallowed in pill form or crushed and sniffed.
Straws, rolled bills and other rolled paper are commonly used to snort cocaine. Users also use these items to snort:

Meth users also smoke, inject and swallow the drug.
Flakka (alpha-PVP) can be smoked with an electronic cigarette (e cig).

In addition, the drug may be eaten, snorted or injected.
Heroin, methamphetamine and LSD are commonly injected by users:

Heroin and methamphetamine are injected. LSD is taken in tablets or capsules or added to absorbent paper.