How to Talk to Teens About Drugs
Last Updated: Friday November 17, 2023

(Partnership to End Addiction) Making sure your teen stays healthy includes protecting them from alcohol and other substances. Why is this so important? Let’s break it down.
Teen’s brains are still developing and continue to do so until their mid-20s or later. This development is especially important for thinking skills like good judgment, decision-making, impulse control, memory and more. Substance use during this time period can negatively interfere with this development.
The less your child is exposed to substances throughout their teenage and young adult years, the better it is for their brain’s healthy development. It’s like nurturing a young plant into a strong tree; you want to protect it from any harm that might impact its growth. Prevention and early intervention can keep them safe.
The overall trend shows that teenage substance use is on the decline. Still, teens might feel peer pressure, get curious, or want to rebel when it comes to substances. Additionally, big companies are trying to get teens hooked on vaping, drinking and more. They use famous people, social media stars, cool packaging, exciting flavors and free samples to tempt teens.
It’s vital to act if you’re worried about your teen using substances. In this guide, you’ll find answers to questions caregivers like you have about talking to your loved one and keeping them safe.
Visit Partnership to End Addiction to continue reading tips on how to talk to your teens about drug use during the holiday season and beyond.