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Fatal Drug Overdoses Down Overall

For the first time in decades almost 30 years, drug overdose deaths declined in the U.S., according to the latest numbers from the National Center for Health Statistics.  

Among America’s Oldest, Opioid Overdoses Are On the Rise

(City Limits, January 22) In the United States, drugs overdoses in adults between the ages of 55-64 years old have skyrocketed since 1999, according to data from the Center for Disease Control.

Weed impairs driving skills long after the high is gone

(CNN, January 14) A new study found that heavy marijuana users drive dangerously – even after the “high” has worn off.

Potential Link Between Marijuana and Heart Risks Discovered by Cardiologists

(SciTech Daily, January 20) As we all know, marijuana laws are changing across the country, and as a result, experts estimate that more than 2 million heart patients are using the drug or have used it in the past.

Troy University Wins Campus PSA Contest

(January 21, 2020) Congratulations to Troy University! Students at the Alabama school created the video that won first place in the 4th annual Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest.

DEA and FDA shut down 44 websites advertising illegal vaping cartridges

(DEA, December 20)  The effort was part of 'Operation Vapor Lock.'

Not yesterday's cocaine: Death toll rising from tainted drug

(Kaiser Health News, November 25) Cocaine-related deaths have increased in recent years, according to the latest government numbers.

Teen Overdoses From Anxiety Drug Rising

(Rutgers, December 13) From 2000 to 2015, the number of teens overdosing from benzodiazepines (medication commonly used to treat anxiety) increased 54%.

Millions of Americans are driving under the influence of marijuana, CDC says

(CNN, December 20) In 2018, 12 million adults in the U.S. admitted that they drove under the influence of marijuana within the last year, according to a new report.

Study: Men who smoke marijuana daily may increase risk of testicular cancer

​(MSN, December 5) A new study links daily marijuana use to an increased risk of developing cancer.