
Operation Prevention

Operation Prevention's Parent Tool Kit Helping Parents Advise Children About Drugs reported on the Parent Toolkit resource featured in DEA's Operation Prevention.

Missoula student (Photo credit: YouTube/KPAX-TV)

Missoula Student Focuses on Fentanyl Prevention

A high school senior in Missoula is leading the fentanyl prevention program as her senior project.

2024 Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest Winner (Photo credit: YouTube/Drug Enforcement Administration)

Congratulations, 2024 Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest Winners!

Congratulations to Kennesaw State University, Baylor University, and the University of Utah for winning 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place, respectively, in the 2024 Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest, cosponsored by DEA and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Bayer heroin bottles

Did You Know That Heroin Was Originally Used as a Cough Remedy?

While recognized today as a highly addictive opioid, heroin was sold in the early 20th century by Bayer as a cough remedy and a more powerful, less addictive substitute for morphine, as explained in a Stories from the Collection video from the DEA Museum.

Fentanyl Family Event (Photo Credit: YouTube/WRTV Indianapolis)

Families Share Stories of Losing Loved Ones to Fentanyl

On Friday, the DEA hosted an event educating families about fentanyl.

Fentanyl penny

Nashville Police Have Made Several Arrests Related to Child Overdoses

The latest state data shows nearly 3,000 overdoses in one year.


Nearly 1 in 5 Texas High Schoolers Vape; Here’s What Parents Are Being Asked to Do

With nearly one in five Texas high schoolers admitting to vaping, the American Lung Association is asking parents to start a conversation with their kids about e-cigarettes.

Detroit student (YouTube/WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7)

Detroit Students Stand Up to Vape and Weed Products in School

On Wednesday evening, Detroit public schools students and community leaders held a town hall at the Farwell Recreation Center to take a stand against vape and marijuana products in schools.

Awkward Conversations Season 4

Watch: 'Awkward Conversations' Podcast, Season 4

The Drug Enforcement Administration is pleased to announce the next installment of its collaboration with the Elks Drug Awareness Program.

Game Over Tournament Trophy

DEA Hosts E-Sports Tournaments to Raise Fentanyl Awareness

97% of American youth, ages 12-17, play video games. Leveraging this popularity by way of esports provides a unique mechanism to deliver DEA’s life-saving message of “One Pill Can Kill” to this hard-to-reach demographic.