Drugs & Your Family

cough syrup

Commonly Misused Over-the-Counter Meds

If you’re concerned about someone in your household abusing your over-the-counter medication, ingredients in cough medicine and the anti-diarrheal lopermide should probably be on your radar. 

person holding OTC meds

Using Over-the-Counter Medication Safely

Do you need help with properly using over-the-counter medication? If so, KnowYourOTCs.org is a great resource. Here are just a few highlights.

man looking in to medicine cabinet

What Should You Do With Your Unused Meds?

Most people who misuse prescription drugs get them from family, friends, and acquaintances.  You can make a difference by keeping track of the medicine you have, by rethinking where and how you keep your medications in your home, and by safely disposing of any unused medications.  

football playbook

Preventing Opioid Misuse among High School Student-Athletes: A Playbook for Parents, Caregivers, and Educators

Unfortunately, high school student-athletes can be especially vulnerable to prescription painkiller misuse. Here are five tips – along with online resources – for parents and educators to help keep your student-athlete from misusing painkillers.

Celebrate Red Ribbon

Red Ribbon Week Public Service Announcement

Listen to this radio public service announcement for Red Ribbon Week. Feel free to use on local or campus radio stations.

teens doing yoga

Other Options for Treating Pain

For many reasons, you may want to consider more natural ways your teen or young adult can deal with pain.

sad teen girl

Mental Health and Substance Misuse

Scientists have long made the link between mental health disorders and substance misuse. In fact, the co-existence of both is referred to as “co-occurring disorders.”


A Dose of Reality: Websites Educating the Public about Opioids

A handful of states (Georgia, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) have launched public awareness campaigns called ‘A Dose of Reality.’

marijuana bud

New Report Advises Parents about Teen Marijuana Use

Talking to your teens about drug use can already be a little uncomfortable. But what if you live in a state where using recreational marijuana is legal for adults?


Accidental Exposure: Drugs and Young Children

The effect of drug use on young children under the age of five can’t be overlooked.