Drugs & Your Family

person putting a pill into a mixed drink

Drugs and Sexual Assault: What You Should Know

Whether at a bar, at a party, or even at a “friend’s” home – drug-facilitated sexual assault can happen to anyone at any time. For this reason, it’s important that the young people in your life understand the danger and are aware of the facts to protect themselves from becoming victims.

person pouring pills into hand

Should Your Teen Take that Opioid Prescription?

Whether due to a sport injury, getting wisdom teeth pulled, or just a freak accident, there are many reasons why doctors may prescribe opioid painkillers to teens.

distant teen couple

Teen Dating Violence and Drug Use

According to LoveIsRespect.org, one third of U.S. adolescents are victims of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from someone they are dating. And almost 1.5 million high schoolers deal with physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.

vape pens

Teens and Vaping

According to a new survey, the use of electronic cigarettes (also known as “vaping”) is pretty popular among U.S. teens.

Frances Harding

This Holiday Season, Talk to Your Young Adult about the #1 U.S. Health Crisis: Opioids

The holidays provide an excellent opportunity to talk to your young adults about the devastating effects of opioid and prescription drug misuse, writes SAMHSA's Frances M. Harding.

brownie with marijuana leaf

Help Your Teen Avoid Drug-laced Food

Many of us have told our loved ones to watch out for spiked drinks at parties. But do you also need to warn your teens about drugs in their food?

Father talks to teen son

Teach Your Teen to Stand Up to Peer Pressure

While you might have talked to your kids at length about the dangers of drug use, it’s still normal for most teen or pre-teens to want to fit in with their peers.

Teenagers at Homecoming

Tips for a Safe and Drug-Free Homecoming Season

Homecoming season is official here. During this time of year, excitement around the football game, homecoming court, spirit week, and the dance fills the autumn air. Unfortunately, these social occasions can also be a time when some teens decide to experiment with drugs. See these tips to promote a safe and drug-free homecoming season.

stressed teen girl

Seven Ways Your Teen Can De-Stress

Take a look at these seven healthy, drug-free ways your teen can de-stress.

father talking to son on porch

Do's and Don'ts: Talking to Your Kids About Drugs

Quick tips on how to talk to your teens about drug use.