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New Report: Marijuana Vaping Rising Among Teens

In 2019, 14% of high school seniors admitted to vaping marijuana in the past month, according to the most recent Monitoring the Future survey.

Video: Padres y adolescentes hablan con personas recuperándose de la adicción a las drogas

Un nuevo video educativo, “Los adolescentes reaccionan a conversaciones con sobrevivientes de la adicción”, producido por la DEA y el Programa de Concientización sobre Drogas (DAP, por su sigla en inglés) ELKS, muestra esas conversaciones reales entre adolescentes, padres y sobrevivientes de la adicción. 

Meth is most common drug in overdose deaths in chunk of US

(The Associated Press, October 25) Methamphetamine is hitting western regions of the nation hard, according to a recent report from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.  

Marijuana use is rising among young adults, especially college students, study shows

(CNN, November 11) College marijuana use has increased over the years, according to a recent study based on data from National Survey on Drug Use and Health between 2002 and 2016.

Study teases out factors associated with postpartum overdose

(Science Daily, November 13) A new study highlights the risk factors related to opioid overdose in new mothers.

Of all professions, construction workers most likely to use opioids and cocaine

(Science Daily, October 30) Construction workers are more likely use cocaine and misuse prescription opioids, according to a study  by the Center for Drug Use and HIV/HCV Research at NYU College of Global Public Health.

Heavy Marijuana Use Could Double Stroke Risk for Young People, Study Suggests

(Live Science, November 11) Younger frequent marijuana users may be more than twice as likely to suffer a stroke as non-users, says a new study that will be presented at the American Heart Associate (AHA) Scientific Sessions.

marijuana leaves

El efecto de la mariguana en el embarazo y el cerebro en desarrollo

Aunque las leyes sobre la mariguana están cambiando en muchos estados del país, persiste el hecho de que consumirla de todos modos plantea graves riesgos, en especial para jóvenes y mujeres embarazadas. 

Deaths linked to vaping often involved THC products, not nicotine, CDC says

(CNN, October 28) The recent vaping-related deaths often involved the use of THC products, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

One Region Is Being Hit Hardest by U.S. Opioid Crisis

(HealthDay News, October 25) While the opioid epidemic is affecting communities across the nation, one region – the northeast – is being hit especially hard.