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Pot is a \"Gateway Drug\" to Alcohol Abuse

(Newser, Feb. 21) Smoking marijuana increases chances you develop an alcohol use disorder.

Adderall Misuse on the Rise

(, Feb. 16) Young adults are increasingly abusing Adderall to manage school work and stress.

Drugged Driving Becoming an Epidemic

(, Feb. 15) The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than 22 percent of drivers tested positive for drugs.

Weed Use May Hurt Verbal Memory

(CNN, Feb. 10) People who smoked weed regularly as teenagers remembered fewer words as they entered middle age, according to a new study published online by JAMA Internal Medicine. 

UMass Dartmouth Launches Campaign to Deter Heroin Use

(Boston Globe, Feb. 8) Administrators at University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth are responding to two heroin overdoses within two days.

Potent Pot: Marijuana Is Stronger Now Than It Was 20 Years Ago

(Live Science, Feb. 8) High doses of THC can cause panic attacks, psychosis and other negative effects.

The Average Heroin Addict Is A White, Suburban Teen. NCADA Super Bowl Ads Point Out That Fact.

(St. Louis Public Radio, Feb. 4) The ad's purpose was to change the perception that heroin was only in urban, poor, black neighborhoods.

Dad Catches Teen Daughter Buying Drugs, Thanks to App

(Yahoo!, Feb. 4) A father discovered his daughter was involved with marijuana thanks to a mobile app.

Deadly Painkiller Sneaks In To Make Syracuse Heroin Epidemic More Lethal

(, Jan. 31) More bags of lethal prescription painkillers have been found mixed with heroin in Central New York, causing more overdose deaths.

'Prescription Thugs': New Documentary Looks at America's Legal Drug Abuse Problem

(Fox News, Jan. 31) In a new documentary, \"Prescription Thugs,\" filmmaker Chris Bell examines the epidemic of prescription drug abuse, called the worst epidemic in America by addiction experts.